
Klassísk finnsk hönnun - S E L D U R

Til sölu forkunnar fagur emeleraður pottur með haldi úr massífu tekki. Potturinn var hannaður af finnanum Seppo Mallat árið 1963 fyrir Finel, en á þeim tíma vann sá hönnuður með Antti Nurmesniemi sem er stundum skrifaður fyrir hönnuninni (en það er víst ekki rétt, sjá hér). Finel varð síðar að Arabia og er potturinn því framleiddur af Arabia Finland.

1 ummæli:

  1. Hi there! You've got a nice blog with loads of interesting content and beautiful pictures! (My mother is Swedish so I understand parts of the infos you're giving.)

    I am running a shop for Scandinavian vintage design from the 50ies-60ies in Vienna. Quite a while ago I wrote about the Finel-pots on my blog: http://designqvist.at/2012/01/these-pots-are-made-for-cooking-vol-1/.

    I always do a lot of research, but in this case it was hard to find any details about this gorgeous design. My impression was that Seppo Mallat designed the pots in 1973 (http://www.vintage-danish-lights.com/fms-1970s-collaboration-with-arabia).

    Later I found some info that the design was from 1969.

    And now I stumbled upon your blog where you mention 1963 as the year of origin. Do you know this for sure? Would you let me know where you found that info? I am always so happy when I get a reliable source which isn't really the case all times when using the Internet.

    Somewhere I found a note saying that Seppo Mallat had died in 2009 though I don't know if this is correct. And I can't find out when he was born...

    Would be great to hear from you! Hälsningar från Wien! Sandra
