
Drawerment - skúffur á vegg

Tékkneski hönnuðurinn Jaroslav Jurica úr hönnunargrúppunni Hubero Kororo er höfundur Drawerment, sem er skúffusístem sérhannað fyrir skrifstofu hollenska hönnunarfyrirtækisins Demakersvan í Rotterdam. Svona lýsir hönnuðurinn verkinu: "The Drawerment is a small anniversary of 15 years of “Tejo Remy Chest of Drawers” - A piece of art that let loose the ‘rigid’ era of product design at that time. Drawerment is a composition of drawers collected from old office furniture. Flying freely over walls, desks and floors, they break up tight office atmosphere. As a herd, they sometimes group together but naturally go their own way when being used." Á tveimur neðstu myndinni eru svo skúffur Tejo Remy - You Can't Lay Down Your Memory - sem hann hannaði árið 1991 undir merkjum Droog Design.

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